Thursday, December 31, 2009

integrity what is it?

well as the word literally means integrity is "INTEGRATING". but integrating what? and for what? (the utility value as we in todays times of marketing and business management would like to call it)

integrating ourselves and for our own betterment are the answers to the above mentioned questions . but let me just elaborate on them.


" oh come on what do i need to integrate here i am one person not some ten or thirty?", surprisingly we are not one person and we are nither ten or thirty we are hundreds or even more.
some examples an average student aspires to achieve the class highest while preparing for exams and suddenly is unleashed in his mind "oh come on u barely manage to pass these exams u dare to dream the highest ? go fool someone else", a professional feels he is being choked at his present position and needs to take a jump and his mind goes " come on be practical u have a family to support , bills to pay,responsibilities to discharge all these high flier jumps look good in movies they are not for real life" , a person wants to get started with his enterprise and his mind starts to howl " not every body is going to be Bill gates or Steve jobs thousands have lost everything and hit the streets trying to do the Juggernaut of entrepreneurship". well amidst all these examples one thing that is common is that the mind immediately takes an opposing stance to what we want to do or achieve.

we have become like a reflection of our own selves falling on a shattered mirror . the different shapes and curvatures of the shattered mirror pieces reflect us and the world differently and we are at a loss to find out which amongst them is the real one . that why whats beautiful today seems ugly tomorrow, whats lovely today becomes unbearable tomorrow because we choose to look into the different reflections of the singular reality in different shattered (mood) glass pieces at different times.
so integrity as a word in essence implies having a single clear inner space mirror in which we see a true picture the world and our own selves consistently.

that's all too obvious , an integrated inner space gives a clear vision and outlook of self & the world. this in turn leads to correct assessment of situations and persons which in turn leads to worldly success, harmonious interpersonal relationships,and an overflowing inner contentment independent of outer worldly situations. seems like too much or rather too good to be real but is one hundred percent truth.

will follow with further sharing of definitions,concepts and most importantly methods


why blog? why write and show to the world? why do this at all? well a lot of these and many more questions kept vroooooming in my mind until today this moment till i got down and sat to do this. this as in sit down and share my self. share with whom i may not know but sharing for sure and sharing with honesty and integrity. yes integrity....