Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Happy Birth Day

A Happy Birth Day

At times in life we get so caught up with the specifics of our life situation that the perspective of life itself starts to slip away from our sight. It’s almost like driving in the rush hour…..we get “zombiefied” ….. totally forgetting “why we got in the car?” , “where are we actually headed?” etc we get so consumed by the thought of overtaking this car right in front of us and drifting into the relatively faster moving lane of traffic that the drive becomes an anxiety filled cumbersome drag.
…………….And so we got into the car of life NOT to reach the destination of death cursing the drivers (fellow human beings) along the way, cribbing over situations and circumstances that surround us, dreaming and hallucinating about a utopian future that is just around the corner but never actually comes…….
We got into the car of life for the fun of the ride …..yeah fun of the ride and nothing else…..

What else could it be???

Located in a 13.8 billion year old universe with roughly 200 billion galaxies in the visible universe with each galaxy containing roughly upwards of 400 billion stars. Out in such vastness of the visible universe amidst this colossal numeric aggregation of galaxies is the one we choose to name the Milky Way and contained within its insignificance amidst 400 billion other stars is the one we choose to call the Sun ,orbited by 8 other planets one of which is 4.54 Billion year old Earth. Earth …..home to approximately 5 million (estimated) different flora and fauna species (1.9million exactly identified) of which human beings are just one. And human beings too are roughly 7 billion in number currently, in this sea of exasperating numbers there is this individual you and me and this and that.

Do I really matter …..????

Well maybe not much in this colossal framework but certainly so in my world of much much much limited time, facts, figures and numbers. So the question is “from what perspective am I living my life?”. Is it my own personal perspective or a one I have been indoctrinated into by my socio-cultural environment? Does it feel good to me or am I just carrying it around because that is what was handed unto me and I never bothered to investigate it any further?
And I got an answer to it today…….
Today is my birthday and as the sun rose across the horizon one after the other calls, messages and posts began surrounding me more and more, it made me feel better and better each passing moment until finally an overwhelming sense of gratitude engulfed me. So many people gave their time, love and wishes to me and none of it was my doing …… was all freely and willfully given just like this life , air, water etc …..that life had happened to me and was lovingly taking care of me and that I had become absent to this miracle.
That I had become “Zombiefied” in the pursuit of delusive tomorrows even as the grains of now and today slipped past my fingers…….
I had forgotten that I was here for the fun of the ride…….not to be, do or have anything at the cost of my feeling good.
Of course an argumentative mind can illustrate and elaborate the brilliance of effort and hard work etc and belittle the need to just feel good as wishy – washy nonsense but the abstractions of argument do not stand anywhere against the reality of feelings and emotions, nothing is more real and personal to an individual than his feelings and emotions…….logical arguments on the other hand most if not all are borrowed ideas from the collective socio-cultural conditioning. So “on the real barometric scale of emotions how do I measure up?” that is the perspective I am talking about ……..
Living a life of feeling good and doing Then whatever needs to be done instead of wasting the life in doing this or that, achieving that and more and continuously postponing the “feeling good” feeling until after this one thing and that one more accomplishment.
I got my perspective today and it is “I just want to feel good (like I did today) because feeling good feels so good”
Indeed it’s a very happy birth day ……a new perspective is a new person, a new me, a new you.

Anchored in this broad point of view of transience and ephemeral nature of things, conscious of the blessings bestowed by this infinite intelligence in the form of life and more, driven only by a sense of further expansion, feeling light, feeling blissful……. I shall glide across life moment to moment…..