Sunday, June 8, 2014

The confluence continued

The confluence continued

So there are two entities functional in this human body of ours,
1> The real primal intelligence that actually orchestrates the functioning of this extremely complex body and maintains life as we know it.
2> Something else that has little or no say in the “real life” and hence weaves an illusory web of control derived from a “reaction to the is’ness of life”.

So the real primal intelligence was a singularity prior to the big bang….no concept of time…space…..other …..even the concept of any concept……
Nothingness is what comes nearest to describing it………and from that nothingness arose all this something and the other (the entire cosmos that is).
So in principle we, the derivatives of that nothingness via the big bang, contain within us that nothingness……..and so does every other thing in this universe.

The building block of this universe, the atom, is evidence to this fact. Being 99.9999999(13 nines after the decimal) % empty, i.e. space containing nothing………and yet the will of the singularity to experience itself as multiplicity makes us and our phenomenal world seem so solid.

This is not about psychological abstractions, or astronomical figures it is about the individual that is you. But the “you” has to be put in a correct perspective and hence the need to go through these scientific facts and figures.
So how does all this sum up to something significant, something potent, something transformative for an individual???

An individual as he/she knows himself is a mere idea about himself given to him by the society i.e.
1> A name
2> A family identity
3> An educational qualification
4> A professional position
5> A social position
6> A generic idea about oneself like good/bad, virtuous/notorious, brilliant/average/dumb, humorous/serious etc …..

None of this exists without you……it has all been implanted over you ……it is not you……you are the ground, the matrix, upon which all these things happen. But painful confusion arises when this pure unlabelled I begins relating to its own self internally via these labels.
Having these labels as a social convenience is perfectly fine, to relate to others trapped in this social game via these labels might even be a necessity but relating to one’s own self internally via these labels is morose and at times painful.

And this is the confluence, the critical juncture where religions are born, practices take root and true philosophies blossom.
The juncture that reminds you to reconnect with your own nothingness which is much much vaster than your “something ness”.

Just like the atom that makes us up. Just as our constituent atoms are 99.9999999(13 nines after the decimal) % empty…..containing nothing …….so are we.

When we forget our innate nothingness and begin focusing only on the “something ness” life becomes a drag. Because we are pushing against our own innate truth, our own expansive self.

In choosing only “something ness” and leaving out our nothingness aspect we have left out 99.9999999(13 nines after the decimal) % of ourselves and that is very suffocating, very claustrophobic.
A lot arises from this juncture but before being carried away by that it would be rather worthwhile to mention the practical significance of all this.
Having clearly seen the operation of a vast intelligence within our own physiology and having accepted the nothingness as the much vaster part of the self one is now clearly confronted with a choice…………

The choice of siding his/her attention with the unknown yet innate vast intelligence in the infinite matrix of nothingness


Continuing with the society implanted suffocating, very claustrophobic and yet very familiar reactionary old mindset of “something ness”

But the same suffocating, very claustrophobic and yet very familiar reactionary old mindset of “something ness” will ask “How”.
How do I shift my focus??

How do I give my attention to the unknown yet innate vast intelligence in the infinite matrix of nothingness???

And the answer to that is; that this mind that is asking these questions can’t.

This mind cannot shift the focus; this mind cannot give attention to the unknown yet innate vast intelligence in the infinite matrix of nothingness???

And that is why the religions, techniques and philosophies ……..

Focus on the breath and you are already connected to the unknown yet innate vast intelligence in the infinite matrix of nothingness that governs your life; focus on the heart beat, look incessantly at an object or hear a continuous sound (e.g. flowing of a river) etc all to the same effect. Whenever we step our attention out of the minds verbal and imagery based chatter we are connecting to our own source.

And that is why vacations are so revivifying ……..the new sceneries, locations and situations are too overwhelming for the mind to form concepts and begin its chatter so one gets connected to his source and feels reinvigorated.
But repeated visits to same vacation spot would amply clarify the fact (as mind forms ideas and concepts about the place and gradually returns with a sense of familiarity) that it’s not the place per se rather the absence of mental chatter that is so refreshing.

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