So we have gone around the globe, for that matter the entire universe, and seen a number of basic, principle laws in action, various possibilities and definitions. But all this intergalactic cosmic wandering brings us back to our own planet and the pending (and yet unanswered) question of UTILITY & PURPOSE. The “what do I get out of reading and knowing all this?” “How does my life change by knowing all this mumbo-jumbo?” is still hankering around in our minds. Let us understand it in a step wise fashion.
If a child were to burn his hands with a matchstick fire and was told by his parents that “matchstick is dangerous it burns” ( instead of fire) then he will have repeated burning experiences sometimes with gas fire, sometime with coal fire, sometime with lantern fire etc etc... Till he gets burnt by every single type and variety of fire the potential for another accident (burning incident) is just waiting around the corner. Instead of being taught that “fire is dangerous it burns” he has been wrongly taught that “matchstick or candle or lantern is dangerous”. Just the right knowledge “fire is dangerous it burns” is enough; he need not even suffer a single experience of burning, to confer him the understanding to save himself from burns.
Similarly this basic knowledge, this insight into the functioning of the universe and our own selves becomes the right knowledge (like “fire is dangerous it burns”) incorporated in our system and hence saves us from an uncountable plenty of unpleasant experiences that could have come our way due to our own ignorance and lack of understanding of them (just like the incomplete and incorrect knowledge that “matchstick is dangerous it burns”, instead of fire).So herein lies the UTILITY of this knowledge.
The PURPOSE on the other hand is still better. When applied in our lives (and not just read and contemplated upon) it has the potential to open up an abundance of previously unknown and unheard of vistas of new possibilities in our own lives and with this “new found self” we would be free to challenge our boundaries and self-imposed limitations, chase new dreams and accomplish previously deemed impossible goals.