The steps 2 and 3 from SORTING to EMOTIONAL RESPONSE are nothing but CREATION, the first of the four principle cosmic forces, in action in the inner world in response to an outer world event (cheating). We must understand though that the emotional response generated suffering, emotional outburst, anger etc... have not been created by the cosmic force of CREATION rather they have been generated (as seen in the previous discussion) with the help of Susan’s own mental-setup which is an inherent part of her SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE. The force of CREATION is universally and unconditionally available and at work in our inner world. Which part of the inner world gets to harness it the INNATE INTELLIGENCE or the SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE depends on the use or misuse of our FREE WILL. In the present scenario Susan, in her unawareness of working of the mind, has BY DEFAULT chosen her MENTAL-SETUP (a part of SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE) to harness the energy of the cosmic principle of creation. When we repeatedly and continuously use a particular faculty of our inner world it becomes our DEFAULT SETTING. That is unless we become consciously and intensely aware of what is going on inside us and exercise the power of FREE WILL within us and consciously choose to use or harness a different faculty of our inner world (for example innate intelligence instead of mental setup) the DEFAULT setting faculty would automatically and continuously be operating through us even without our knowledge. So now we clearly appreciate that though a pure cosmic force (CREATION) harnessed wrongly by the use (rather abuse) of our FREE WILL it has created negative emotion and experiences in us.
An analogy to make this phenomenon clearer, in a cinema theatre light is being projected from the projector on to the screen. If we were to place the film rolls containing beautiful sceneries of tulip gardens, mountains, sunrise etc then beautiful images would come to life on the screen but if we were to place film rolls containing ugly images of crime, war, violence etc detestable images would spring to life on the screen. Similarly the cosmic force of CREATION is the continuously switched on PROJECTOR LIGHT and the MENTAL FACULTIES (innate intelligence or the social intelligence etc) are the FILM ROLLS placed in front of it. Whatever the faculty we use in front of it so is the imagery of the experience generated within us.
Once created the thought (right from sorting to the emotional response) comes with its own power of MAINTENANCE that is its capability to hang around in our inner world. But it would not remain the same all through it would undergo CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION). With this constant change it would generate a myriad multitude of responses and emotions in our system. Finally the cosmic principle of DEATH (REJUVINATION) would come into action and remove the thought, its modifications and its emotional responses as well. That is why we say “TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS”. We must understand here that it is not the time that heals all the wounds rather the cosmic force of REJUVINATION that removes the old thought and its associated responses from our system to make way for fresh ones. But here again we misuse our FREE WILL, we do not allow the cosmic force of DEATH & REJUVINATION to enter and cleanse our system instead we repeatedly abuse the forces of CREATION and MAINTENANCE and hang on to the event gone by constantly and hence multiply our own suffering and misery.
A seamless integration of every facet of an individual's existence (Health, Relationships, Career, Joy and inner bliss) so that each moment is lived to the fullest from the depth of being, from the bigger picture vantage point.
Friday, February 26, 2010
THE BIG PICTURE microcosmic....
So now that we are familiar with the modus-operandi of the mind we will proceed to see how various other faculties are influencing and shaping it. But before we proceed any further we must also equip ourselves with the understanding of the fact that all these various processes of the mind, that is PERCEPTION, “SORTING, CROSS-REFERENCING & TAGGING” etc... are happening in fractions of a second (microseconds rather) and to us (in our present state) seem as one single entity. Making us feel a sense of helplessness when it comes to generating appropriate reactions specially to unpleasant and provocative situations (since they are tagged with super charged emotional heavy weights such as anger & suffering etc...) .
So now we will enter into the “mental mechanics” of the girl, let us call her Susan, who is suffering because of being cheated by a person, let us say Craig.
STEP 1: PERCEPTION of a particular situation or verbal information via some person gives Susan a confirmation of being cheated. A confirmed situation is at hand is being PERCIEVED
STEP 2: Immediately the “SORTING, CROSS-REFERENCING & TAGGING” process for this perceived situation begins.
STEP 2A: The situation is immediately sorted as BAD
STEP 2B: CROSS-REFERENCING is done with the existing memory record system of her mental setup and the data, either from previous personal experiences of a similar kind or borrowed ideas from her socio-cultural milieu, further classifies this situation as appalling, “why me?”, “this can’t be happening” etc..., memories of the sufferings she herself underwent on previous occasions of being cheated, or if it is the first experience for her then, the stories and sufferings of people who had undergone a similar experience either personally known to her or via media ( movies, T.V, novels etc...) flood her system.
STEP 2C: Once cross-referenced the situation is now TAGGED as an emotional trauma.
STEP 3: Deemed an emotional trauma the generic response to it that is suffering, emotional outburst, anger etc... begin to erupt in her system beyond her control and she sinks deeper and deeper into suffering while oscillating like a yo-yo between the extremes of anger ( against Craig) and helplessness (towards this situation and her own self).
Next, we will go on to see how the four principle cosmic forces are in action in Susan’s mind and how she uses (rather abuses) her free will to interfere with their functioning.
So now we will enter into the “mental mechanics” of the girl, let us call her Susan, who is suffering because of being cheated by a person, let us say Craig.
STEP 1: PERCEPTION of a particular situation or verbal information via some person gives Susan a confirmation of being cheated. A confirmed situation is at hand is being PERCIEVED
STEP 2: Immediately the “SORTING, CROSS-REFERENCING & TAGGING” process for this perceived situation begins.
STEP 2A: The situation is immediately sorted as BAD
STEP 2B: CROSS-REFERENCING is done with the existing memory record system of her mental setup and the data, either from previous personal experiences of a similar kind or borrowed ideas from her socio-cultural milieu, further classifies this situation as appalling, “why me?”, “this can’t be happening” etc..., memories of the sufferings she herself underwent on previous occasions of being cheated, or if it is the first experience for her then, the stories and sufferings of people who had undergone a similar experience either personally known to her or via media ( movies, T.V, novels etc...) flood her system.
STEP 2C: Once cross-referenced the situation is now TAGGED as an emotional trauma.
STEP 3: Deemed an emotional trauma the generic response to it that is suffering, emotional outburst, anger etc... begin to erupt in her system beyond her control and she sinks deeper and deeper into suffering while oscillating like a yo-yo between the extremes of anger ( against Craig) and helplessness (towards this situation and her own self).
Next, we will go on to see how the four principle cosmic forces are in action in Susan’s mind and how she uses (rather abuses) her free will to interfere with their functioning.
Now let us enter into the mechanics of the mind of this girl (or boy) who has undergone the bitter experience of being cheated in a relationship. The situation of being cheated arises in her life. This situation is initially just PERCEIVED. Now, no matter how outrageous or extraterrestrial this may seem but the fact is that the situations by themselves are just situations, totally bland and totally neutral it is we who judge and TAG them as good or bad, pleasant or bitter etc according to our MENTAL-SETUP. A situation is initially perceived neutrally without any TAGGING and hence is incapable of generating any response, since unless TAGGED and hence automatically linked to a generic emotional response of that particular tag, no situation in itself is capable of producing any joy or pain. Unless tagged and linked to the corresponding emotion. After PERCEPTION the mind enters into “SORTING, CROSS-REFERENCING & TAGGING” mode, these three are almost a simultaneous processes, SORTING is a more general activity in which the situations are very broadly classified into good or bad (that’s the basic fundamental, though they may be classified as correct or incorrect, success or failure, etc..One of the opposites) once sorted into a particular category of opposite (that is good or failure or correct etc...) it is immediately CROSS-REFERENCED with the existing memory record system and automatically TAGGED. Let us understand this entire three step process with another example, before we proceed any further, in a scenario of arranged marriages if a boy rejects a girl then immediately after perception of this situation, by the girl, it would be sorted into bad or failure category with the help of cross-referencing with the existing memory record system of the mind, which would identify this situation either through previous personal experiences or borrowed ideas from the socio-cultural milieu around it .This cross-referencing would immediately christen this situation as painful either through previous personal experience or via borrowed ideas embedded in the MENTAL-SETUP. Automatically the situation gets TAGGED as an emotional trauma and hence the generic response to the tag of emotional trauma which may be suffering or crying or depression would get generated. But in a similar scenario of rejection where the girl is not interested in getting married and is being forced by the family to do so (for whatever reason, career,lover,disinterest etc...) same situation of rejection would be sorted as good or success, with the help of cross-referencing with the existing memory record system of the mental-setup which would hail this as a favourable outcome and hence tag it as pleasant or enjoyable outcome and hence generate the generic response of pleasure or relief or happiness. So we see very clearly that situations by themselves are neutral the same situation is capable of generating two starkly opposite responses (suffering as well as pleasure and relief). The response generated depends totally on our mental-setup.
Free will, the four principle cosmic forces, life as it is our choice, two tier action of cosmic forces on the mind- body organism, innate & social intelligence......... and so much more has been discussed till now but how and where do all these facts meet and where do they fit in, in the big picture (if there is one at all!!!!).
For that let us start from where we last left.
“So where in lies the fault? From where do misery, doubt, anger, jealousy, depression, laziness etc...(And the entire gamut of negativity garbage) arise?
INNATE INTELLIGENCE is pure and perfect by its very nature and SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE is an absolute necessity!!! Then from where has this pile of negativity garbage arisen in us??? “.
Let’s understand all this with a few illustrative examples. A child suffers a drowning experience before the age seven, now this traumatic experience will get recorded in his formative MENTAL-SETUP and water bodies will be TAGGED as dangerous and traumatic in his MENTAL-SETUP and hence the generic response to danger, that is fear, will get associated with water bodies. So every time he sees a water body his MENTAL-SETUP would identify it with dangerous and traumatic TAG and this would automatically generate the associated response of fear in him unnecessarily. The water body he is seeing now has no relation to the previous water body in which he had the drowning experience, moreover that time he was a small kid of 3 feet now he is an adult of 6 feet everything is so unrelated but since the MENTAL-SETUP has done its(water bodies) TAGGING with the powerful emotion (the generic response for danger) of fear the intellect gets completely clouded by this flood of emotion and the mind is unable to see the stark differences (rather a complete lack of any association) between the two situations and the person starts to suffer from phobia of water bodies. This is how our own MENTAL-SETUP imprisons us with its imposing bars of limitations.
Now let us consider a situation where a girl gets cheated by her boyfriend (or a guy gets cheated by his girlfriend) and goes through an extremely bitter experience. Now, the four principle cosmic forces that are CREATION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION) and REJUVENATION (DEATH) are constantly working on her mind and body. Mind by its very nature is a constant flux of a stream of thoughts that is why we find it so difficult to concentrate on one single thing for a long duration, hence in the mind there is a continuous CREATION of thoughts, these thoughts can be MAINTAINED sometimes according to our given priority and sometimes by their shear intensity. That is, since reaching the office or college on time is a higher priority (as assigned by us in our mental-setup) than visiting a sick or ailing neighbours house the thought of reaching the office or college on time would maintain or assert itself for a longer duration(and quickly push out the thought of visiting the ailing neighbours home). Hence it will shape all our decisions about what we do and what we do not do. Hence our actions would constantly be dictated by it. If left to the normal course of events this thought of reaching the office in time would CONSTANTLY CHANGE (EVOLVE) as per the needs, that is it would express itself as getting up early in the morning to begin with then change to quick freshening up and then may be into skipping the breakfast and hurrying to drive or catch the bus if the time is still scarce. And as a natural progression it would DIE off when we reach the office or college and its place would be taken by a new thought about the previous days assignment or the presentation ahead in the day hence the system would be REJUVINATED by a new thought.
But here in steps the FREE WILL and the drama of human life begins.
For that let us start from where we last left.
“So where in lies the fault? From where do misery, doubt, anger, jealousy, depression, laziness etc...(And the entire gamut of negativity garbage) arise?
INNATE INTELLIGENCE is pure and perfect by its very nature and SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE is an absolute necessity!!! Then from where has this pile of negativity garbage arisen in us??? “.
Let’s understand all this with a few illustrative examples. A child suffers a drowning experience before the age seven, now this traumatic experience will get recorded in his formative MENTAL-SETUP and water bodies will be TAGGED as dangerous and traumatic in his MENTAL-SETUP and hence the generic response to danger, that is fear, will get associated with water bodies. So every time he sees a water body his MENTAL-SETUP would identify it with dangerous and traumatic TAG and this would automatically generate the associated response of fear in him unnecessarily. The water body he is seeing now has no relation to the previous water body in which he had the drowning experience, moreover that time he was a small kid of 3 feet now he is an adult of 6 feet everything is so unrelated but since the MENTAL-SETUP has done its(water bodies) TAGGING with the powerful emotion (the generic response for danger) of fear the intellect gets completely clouded by this flood of emotion and the mind is unable to see the stark differences (rather a complete lack of any association) between the two situations and the person starts to suffer from phobia of water bodies. This is how our own MENTAL-SETUP imprisons us with its imposing bars of limitations.
Now let us consider a situation where a girl gets cheated by her boyfriend (or a guy gets cheated by his girlfriend) and goes through an extremely bitter experience. Now, the four principle cosmic forces that are CREATION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION) and REJUVENATION (DEATH) are constantly working on her mind and body. Mind by its very nature is a constant flux of a stream of thoughts that is why we find it so difficult to concentrate on one single thing for a long duration, hence in the mind there is a continuous CREATION of thoughts, these thoughts can be MAINTAINED sometimes according to our given priority and sometimes by their shear intensity. That is, since reaching the office or college on time is a higher priority (as assigned by us in our mental-setup) than visiting a sick or ailing neighbours house the thought of reaching the office or college on time would maintain or assert itself for a longer duration(and quickly push out the thought of visiting the ailing neighbours home). Hence it will shape all our decisions about what we do and what we do not do. Hence our actions would constantly be dictated by it. If left to the normal course of events this thought of reaching the office in time would CONSTANTLY CHANGE (EVOLVE) as per the needs, that is it would express itself as getting up early in the morning to begin with then change to quick freshening up and then may be into skipping the breakfast and hurrying to drive or catch the bus if the time is still scarce. And as a natural progression it would DIE off when we reach the office or college and its place would be taken by a new thought about the previous days assignment or the presentation ahead in the day hence the system would be REJUVINATED by a new thought.
But here in steps the FREE WILL and the drama of human life begins.
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