So what is readiness? We have seen that the sense of necessity for SELF INTEGRITY arises either out of pure intelligence or intelligence admixed with suffering. Where in does readiness fit in all this then?
If necessity were to be seen as a vehicle then readiness is the fuel. Simply put readiness is a committed state of mind a “come what may” a “no looking back” state. No matter how good or fast a vehicle is it can only go as far as the fuel in it. Similarly no matter how strong ones necessity is to integrate his being he can only do as much as his state of readiness is.
An example, you want to sit and read a certain topic today, your friend invites you to go out for a movie, and the topic is left all alone in solitude, in the wilderness of books jungle. On the other hand you decide to read the same topic just days before the final exams & the same friend now again invites you to an even more thrilling movie proposition the eventual outcome of this scenario is that you give company to the topic this time & the friend is issued solitude.
The topic is same, you are same, friend is same and the movie this time is much more interesting but the decisions are so different. Only thing different between the two situations is your state of mind. Your commitment to the cause is much higher (out of fear of exams though) in the second scenario. A “come what may” state of mind to pursue has been achieved .