Memory & social etiquette's. Understanding, adoption and living of social customs and traditions and the shining jewel in the crown, language (to help us express ourselves to the outer world, to interact, to communicate and express ourselves) are all the various facets of SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE. We must understand that without social intelligence we would be a misfit in the society. SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE is the essential "societal existence and survival gear". Both our mind and body need to be equipped with it (SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE) in order to maintain a comfortable and smooth social subsistence. A simple example of social intelligence at work on the body is toilet training of small children. With time the body learns to exercise control over itself and hence is able to produce a more socially acceptable behaviour (imagine life without toilet training!!!!).
Similarly, we would not last a second in this social jungle without our memory. Memory is an extremely important part of our "societal existence and survival" arsenal both professionally and personally. Professionally, all the knowledge that we have gained in our lives from kindergarten to university to the constant influx of newly generated experiences is nothing but memory and personally too we are pressed by a constant need for data bank maintenance (memory) right down from who is who to birthdays & anniversaries to who did what and who’s a friend and who’s a foe etc etc... Imagine a person with head injury and a complete loss of memory, his entire life gets washed out like ink from paper. He is now unable to identify or relate with his own parents, wife and children (all of whom he had held s dear in his life). The entire fabric of his life (social life) gets ripped and shredded. So we see that how indispensably essential memory is to our existence.
Again it is the social intelligence that gives us the ideas about right and wrong, do’s and don’ts, aims and ambitions etc... and in effect makes us behave the way we do, dress the way we do and talk the way (as well as the content of talk) we talk mostly in accordance or in opposition of the existing and indoctrinated social and moral codes of conduct.
Finally, most importantly and principally all these various functions are achieved via-media of LANGUAGE. Language is indispensable to our societal existence without language (in this present state of ours) neither can we think ourselves (or even for ourselves) nor can we express anything useful to the world outside (chiefly because there is nothing much to express either, since we ourselves are handicapped without language and cannot think or imagine without it).
So where in lies the fault? From where do misery, doubt, anger, jealousy, depression, laziness etc...(And the entire gamut of negativity garbage) arise?
INNATE INTELLIGENCE is pure and perfect by its very nature and SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE is an absolute necessity!!! Then from where has this pile of negativity garbage arisen in us???