The societies we live in across the nations and continents, beyond the barriers of race, creed or colour throughout the planet irrespective of their geographical location have laid their foundation on one principle question “WHAT DO I GET OUT OF IT?” .That is this question “WHAT DO I GET OUT OF IT?” is the principle guiding force or the intention behind the action or the motivation behind a decision. And this is precisely from where the two gigantic decision makers of our own lives are born namely UTILITY & PURPOSE.
Let us exemplify the situation. Please understand that from its very inception societies across time, location and civilizations have been a “CONSORTIUM OF CONVENIENCE” (let us analyze from the very beginning the birth and development of the society) that is, “I will do the farming, you do cloth making, he will take care of pottery, she will take care of the cattle rearing, these guys will go for hunting etc etc...”. One man or one family alone cannot do all these diverse functions but the society or the “CONSORTIUM OF CONVENIENCE” ensures that every person is put to some use in the social fabric to achieve in effect convenience for all. So if a person is farming he is contributing food to the society he is worthy of respect because there is no life without food, if a person is hunting or rearing cattle he is again providing for THE MOST valuable commodity to the society of those times & he is worthy of all the praise and respect. But if a person is engaged in pottery making he is not providing the society with THE MOST essential commodity of that time that is FOOD and hence is not worthy of a similar cadre of respect.
With time farming became common place and food was not as big a worry as it used to be (in early and developmental period of human society) man also acquired the art of manipulating its surroundings by making canals and irrigation networks. Hence farming is no more DIFFICULT or HARD TO ACHIEVE but as the societies grew so did their greed of amassing resources and exploiting their neighbours and hence SOCIAL SECURITY became a matter of concern. From that era arose the WARRIORS who gave to the society of that time THE MOST essential commodity then SOCIAL SECURITY and hence archers, sword fighters, warriors and thus KINGS arose from them who took the position of most respected from the hunters and the farmers.
With time we evolved into a social structure of present day where food and social security (and other basic necessities) could be taken for granted provided one had the MEANS to obtain them and that MEANS to obtaining everything right from basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter to the absurd superfluities of designer wear and 5 star cocktails became MONEY. And hence farmers, hunters, soldiers and kings all were moved aside and the new mantle of respect and awe was given to money or the people who could make money (and to some extent to people who directly contributed to our well being and could play a vital role in times of dire needs e.g. Doctors Etc...).
So now it is easy for us to understand that why Surgeon’s, a CEO’s and entrepreneurs are looked unto with respect and an unemployed youth or a person doing a PhD in Sanskrit is looked down upon because neither is going to be directly helpful to us (like a doctor etc...) nor either has the money making capacity of an entrepreneur or a CEO.