Big bang ....... and............... Space and time are brought to life, infinite quantities of matter is hurled into this new born space at speeds nearing that of light itself. Gaseous nebulae form stars, stars group into galaxies. Planets gather around stars held by their gravitational pull and solar systems are created that continue to exist and continuously change. But stars too come of age and explode into white dwarfs or implode as black holes devouring matter around them with their immense gravity.
Amidst all this din & roar also is created our own planet (earth). Here too a seed (easy to miss & seemingly inconspicuous, just like the nebulae of unorganized gases in space), when given the right opportunity, grows into a plant and a plant into a (difficult to miss) tree. Just like the organized mass of gases become a conspicuous star and just like the star, after its requisite life span is over, the tree too succumbs to a process of rejuvenation (popularly called or known as death).
It’s not just the galaxies and the stars on the macro cosmic level that are subject to this process of CREATION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION) and REJUVENATION (DEATH) every single living and non-living thing is subject to the same law. Only its external expression and time scale on which this process is laid out varies from one object to other (a billion or more years for a star, to a few hundred thousand years for a mountain, to a hundred year span for a human being, to a span of few days or hours for microorganisms) but the essential process is the same.