Friday, January 1, 2010


IF and only if somehow at some point we realize or get feel a glimpse of " life has to have much more than this" , "there must be more to it than meets the eyes", "i am living a life of borrowed dreams", "there must be something much bigger much better to pursue and live for some higher purpose some better aim" we may feel the need for that something called INTEGRITY.

THIS glimpse of looking out for personal satisfaction along with social accomplishment (or just a deep urge for personal satisfaction) can occur to us in two ways.
  1. intelligence
  2. suffering
THIS happens when we look around us with open eyes we look into the lives of people around us.people who are constantly telling us what to do and what not to we look into their lives keenly ,closely and at length(not just superficially, hastily&at just a moment or two ) and try to find out "is this person happy?" , "is he contented ?", "is he joyful and at ease with himself?", if not why then should i follow him .His ideology his belief could not give him any joy , any fulfillment what good it would be to me then?
we closely,keenly and at length (with both rewind and fast forward ) analyse the lives of people we idolize and question "no doubt he/she has achieved (socially) all that i wish to in future but how has his / her life been all this while during this journey?" , "what kind of life he lived to get to this point?" and "what kind of life is he living now?","am i willing to follow the similar path?" and most importantly "is it all worth all this?".
These questions lead us deeper and deeper within our own selves and bring us face to face with US the real ME NOT the borrowed ME. and it is then that the necessity for INTEGRITY arises.


well if integrity was such a panacea then why does every one not have it and live and enjoy life to its fullest ?
answer to this logical question is necessity and readiness

Necessity is the mother of invention and not just invention it has become the sole fuel driving us to do whatever we do. necessity to get a degree makes us go to schools & colleges, this necessity of having a degree arises in turn out of the necessity to get a job which in turn arises from the necessity to make a living or make a name or niche in society. an extremely condensed example to illustrate how right down from kinder garden to work place via college our entire life has been necessity dependent. so where does INTEGRITY fit in in this endless list of necessity?
Here is the dilemma integrity has never been a part of any necessity list!!!! one can live his/her entire life without it. ever wondered why?

well if we closely examine our necessity drive we would find that necessity list we carry does not for ever once bother about us it is a list arising out of society to maintain & contribute to the society, that is the schools never ask you what you are interested in they teach you what they have to. colleges never bother about your dreams they give you theirs. as long as you are a doctor,engineer,accountant,lawyer.... etc etc you are useful to the society. so as soon as we develop cognizance we are handed over a "TO DO (ACHIEVE)LIST". and in fulfillment of this INTEGRITY is not a necessity.