Tuesday, January 19, 2010


CREATION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION) and REJUVENATION (DEATH) these four processes are continuously at work in the entire universe, from the macrocosmic galaxies and stellar systems to the microcosmic single individual, constantly at the same time and in harmony with each other.
Now let us closely scrutinize all the statements made till now regarding the blue print.
I. Every single living and non-living thing is subject to the same law (the four processes). Only its external expression and time scale on which this process is laid out varies from one object to other (statement made in the preceding post)
A mountain is born (CREATION) out of collision between two tectonic plates, it is MAINTAINED as it is, by the support of stable solid plate underneath it, it is subject to CONSTANT CHANGE as there occurs constant sculpting of it by the winds, water, rain and weather. It is constantly EVOLVING as it gets invaded by life, first on microscopic level later on macroscopic scale, bacteria and algae give way to ferns and shrubs which usher in plants and trees who invite the fauna (animals) as this evolutionary drama is being played out. The hostile barren mountain (of yesterday) is now teeming with intelligent, self-sustaining life. The forces of nature (wind, rivers etc...) along with the roots of plants and other organic activity is constantly denuding the rocks to sand and also nourishing it (REJUVENATION) and as time passes by the mountain becomes a plateau (death or change of form or total rejuvenation).
A similar process of CREATION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION) and REJUVENATION (DEATH) is very easy to comprehend when applied to all living beings including humans.
Only difference is the time scale and expression. The time scale on which this entire process is laid out is hundreds of thousands of years for a mountain and only a few decades for a human being.
The modality of its expression also varies greatly, from gaseous nebulae gathering under the influence of gravity forming a starry mass (CREATION), to a star with intelligent & controlled fusion reaction lighting and sustaining it and hence constantly burning itself out and changing itself (MAINTENANCE & CONSTANT CHANGE) to the eventual change of form (death) of the star into a black hole, white dwarf or a PULSAR.
The same four processes when expressed in human life weave the astounding miracle of a single celled zygote (size of approximately 10µm and weighing approximately 10-9 grams) becoming a (approximately) 3kg baby with 100 trillion (10^14 ) cells{with a 100 billion (10^11) neurons and 100 trillion (10^14) synapses and various other specialized & dedicated organs and organ systems such as skin , cardio vascular, hepatobiliary, gastrointestinal systems etc..}. From one round microscopic mass of insignificance to the most complex & intelligent creation of this entire visible universe, in just 9 months.


  1. everything is changing. matter is same. E = MC2
    ITS like we have a bucket of sand,creation is building castles, men etc and finally distroying it to rebuild again from same sand. matter in universe is same and so is energy, only changing is forms. energy is nothing but prana the life force .... the conciousness ....the shiv tatva which is all prevading. the same energy is durga the mother divine. the energy which creates things maintain and destroys. and same conciousness/shiva/durga/prana/life force/energy is GOD with matter as body. and we all are part of it as a matter and as a quantum of energy . we are part of GOD.

  2. now as said earlier we are quanta of energy within this body made of 5 elements( earth fire space water wind)...so from where does feelings emotions thoughts come from.....? they are qualitative aspect of energy. energy in body is stored in 7 centres. and energy at each centre manifest as certain emotion.now what are 7 centres...?
    1. base of spine...energy manifest as inertia / enthusiasm
    2.4 inches above base of spine....here energy manifest as creativity / sex energy
    3.navel region...here energy manifest as jelousy, greed/ generosity joy
    4 heart.......as fear/ love
    5 throat region......as sadness/ gratitude
    6 in between eyebrows.....as anger/ alertness
    7 at top of head...... as bliss

    so all emotions and feeling are just energy
