Sunday, February 28, 2010


This new understanding about the cosmic blue print and its functioning in our “MIND-BODY ORGANISM” amply clarifies the two previously made statements (under the heading THE MORE OBVIOUS APPLICATION).
Let us put to test these two theorems in the more practical and real life of Susan who is suffering intensely after being cheated by Craig.
For this we would require to dissect the possible past of both (Susan & Craig) and then come back straightaway the present situation of heartbreak. Also noteworthy is the fact that we would be analyzing the situations and people from Susan’s perspective (who is a representative of our own self). So the possibility exists that Craig was not a very reliable or responsible person from the very beginning and Susan deliberately choose to ignore the hints and vibes from her INNATE INTELLIGENCE about him. May be due to some vested interests such as fulfillment of her ego upon being associated with Craig (who may have been the coolest kid on the block, so to say).in that case it is her OWN CHOICE that is making her suffer. If we choose play with fire we cannot complain when we get burns, getting burns is an inherent possibility of playing with fire it is understood without being spoken. Similarly cheating is an inherent prospect of a relationship with an infidel person. So it is Susan herself who is to blame for this situation of heartbreak and suffering today rather than Craig, since this was coming from day 1 of their relationship but she purposefully choose to turn a blind eye towards it because of involvement of “fulfilment of her ego”.(LIFE, AS IT IS, IS OUR OWN CHOICE).
Now there also exists another possibility, that Craig was a genuinely nice person when Susan first met him and this pleasantness of his drew Susan to him guided by her INNATE INTELLIGENCE and reception of good vibes. But somewhere down the line corruption occurred in his (Craig’s) inner world which culminated into today’s situation. Now it is totally up to Susan to either decide to forgive Craig for this isolated incidence of infidelity, forget this incident and move on with this relationship OR to dump him (Craig), forget this incident and move on in her life OR to continue hanging on to this incident by making a replica of it in her MEMORY and continue suffering incessantly, either with or without Craig in her life.
So life has given all these variety of options to Susan from being free of Craig and the suffering of the incident to hanging on to both (Craig & suffering) OR being with Craig and letting go of suffering etc... (THERE IS A POSSIBILITY TO GO EITHER WAY EVERY SINGLE MOMENT).
It is she who has to make a choice this moment and hence decide upon the nature, course and quality of the moments to follow (or the future).

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