Saturday, February 6, 2010


The expression of universal intelligence, unhindered, without and independent of our knowledge or permission is called the INNATE INTELLIGENCE.
When hungry we eat food, when tiered we go to sleep, when thirsty we drink water etc..... these are all the EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE. That is, when the innate intelligence of our system functions through us by giving us choices it is called the EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE. CHOICES? (One may wonder how?)
For example, The INNATE INTELLIGENCE of our system decides that our body and senses are tired and they need rest. It sends across this message as a feeling of sleepiness but we choose to ignore it, with burning eyes, begging us for some rest and sleep, we continue to watch a movie or a match late into the night. We choose to ignore the INNATE INTELLIGENCE of our own system and hence hinder with the EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE.
These scenarios as discussed above are the INNATE INTELLIGENCE and the EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE in the physical body of our “MIND-BODY ORGANISM”. These two entities (that is the INNATE INTELLIGENCE & the EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE) are also equally functional in our mind.
For example, we meet a person for the first time and immediately (if we remain sensitive enough) we get a so called “vibe” from him. We instantaneously know him not through words not through any descriptions or hearsay evidences we just know him in a whiff of a moment without even having exchanged a word or a handshake this is INNATE INTELLIGENCE. Then immediately our SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE (we will define and discuss this entity shortly) takes over if we get a “vibe” of goodness from him, which automatically would also reflect in his actions then immediately our SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE will take over and we would become suspicious of him we would start judging him and will constantly be on a look out to find out the intention behind his integrity and if we get a bad “vibe” but we have some vested interest in the person (a wealthy business partner, boss, a better performing classmate who could help us with his notes etc etc....) our SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE would immediately take over and completely blanket this “vibe” with a flurry of explanations “don’t be emotional, this world is a very practical place”, “don’t judge people before hand , how much do you know him?”, “oh he is such a nice person that is why he has been rewarded with so much success” etc etc... We silently side by our SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE, find a fault or some imaginary sinister intention, laced with vested interest and ultimately personal gains, in the action and behaviour of the person with “vibe” of goodness and ultimately shun him and continue to hang around people with bad “vibe” ignoring all their palpably obvious vices because of our own hidden agenda (promotion, investment, help with understanding of a subject etc..) and vested interests. We choose to ignore the INNATE INTELLIGENCE of our own system and hence hinder with the EXPRESSION OF INTELLIGENCE.
Another important thing that we must understand is the TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE.
As seen above it is of two types
We have seen, discussed and understood the innate intelligence, we shall go on next to see, discuss and understand the social intelligence and its functioning on both the tiers (mind and body) of the “MIND-BODY ORGANISM”.

1 comment:

  1. Now here as I understand lies the paradox. Both kinds of intelligence constantly at loggerheads within the mind. Besides, each may fall prey to ‘labels’ as discussed previously. Now the question is how do we keep these two kinds of intelligence in harmony or bring them to a consensus so that our choices are more obvious, easier and fulfilling?
