Saturday, March 6, 2010


So before we embark upon our journey of “self integration” let us understand that in the absolute sense there is no destination “self integration”!!!!!!!!!
“Self integration” is actually a misnomer in true sense. Consider an idol which out of sheer neglect has been thrown into mud pit. Years after years layers after layers of mud accumulate and harden over it. What then needs to be done if we wanted to retrieve the idol from this seemingly unsightly, randomly shaped, huge and layered mass of hardened mud?
Hammering or chiseling out of all the layers of mud accumulated around it, that’s all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Similarly we also due to our consistent neglect have accumulated innumerable layers of conditioning around our true self or innate intelligence. We seem so fractured, so disintegrated, so fragmented within our present selves because these conditioning's (mud) within our system (or rather over the beautiful idol of our true, innate self)) are layered. They are arranged in layers of time, layers of intensity of experience, layers of importance etc etc..... so we do not actually need to rearrange and integrate all this mud of conditioning over our system our true self. We just need to hammer and chisel them away!!!!!!!!!!!
The beautiful and innately integrated idol of our being would automatically come out, it would automatically shine through. Please understand all our hammering and chiseling has done nothing to create the idol it always was there as it is. The hammering and chiseling has just removed the innumerable layers of mud and dirt accumulated around the idol, that’s all.
A word of caution though, the end result is amazing, miraculous even. It’s like a person indiscriminately pounding with a hammer and a chisel on a seemingly unsightly, randomly shaped, huge and layered mass of hardened mud and suddenly an intricately “carved to perfection” idol, a wondrous and marvelous piece of art appears from within it.
But let us also remember that the idol has resurfaced from that unsightly block of mud only after taking the blows of hammer and the cuts of the chisel. So we must understand that there is nothing to integrate; only consistent disintegration needs to be done to attain the automatically integrated and innately beautiful and wondrous state that we already have within ourselves but are unable to relate to due to the innumerable layers of social conditioning's around us.

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