Wednesday, March 10, 2010


SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE, yes this is the answer to this question that has intrigued humanity since eternity (who am I?) it is NOT a complete and absolute answer though. But at the same time it is a truly factual reply to the initiator of the question.
We as we are, we in our present state as we know and understand ourselves and the world around us are nothing more than a singular facet, a singular dimension of our multifaceted, multidimensional existence and that singular dimension (facet) is SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE.
This SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE is an implant into our multifaceted, multidimensional system from the society and due to our improper handling of it now it has become our singular dimension of existence. So we must understand that we have completely lost our individuality all that remains of us nothing but our social identity that is why we are in this constant need of social approval for anything and everything that we do or do not do. And this precisely is the answer to the question “But why do we do this, justifying our own discrepancies and in capabilities by falsely alleging the entire society to be in a similar status, condition, behavioural pattern or capability (or incapability) as ours???”.
Since we (as of now, in this present state of ours) are nothing more than the SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE software, imported and installed into our system of MIND-BODY ORGANISM by the society around us, we are in a constant and pressing need of approval by the society around us for anything and everything that we do or do not do. Just like an installed software repeatedly requests updates from its parent firm, we (social intelligence) also seek repeated confirmation and updating from our parent firm that is the society.
And that is precisely the reason why we justify all our discrepancies and in capabilities by furnishing false social statistics of generalizations such as EVERYBODY and NOBODY.
But what we need to understand here is that though living in a society as community has done a great lot of good to us in terms of providing us with our basic necessities such as food, water, sanitation, education, shelter, protection etc... our present state of development, advancement and continuing progress from hunters to farmers to organized kingdoms to modern day societies has got nothing to do with social intelligence other than its (modality of advancement and progress) mere expression!!!!!!!!!!!

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