Friday, February 26, 2010


Free will, the four principle cosmic forces, life as it is our choice, two tier action of cosmic forces on the mind- body organism, innate & social intelligence......... and so much more has been discussed till now but how and where do all these facts meet and where do they fit in, in the big picture (if there is one at all!!!!).
For that let us start from where we last left.
“So where in lies the fault? From where do misery, doubt, anger, jealousy, depression, laziness etc...(And the entire gamut of negativity garbage) arise?
INNATE INTELLIGENCE is pure and perfect by its very nature and SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE is an absolute necessity!!! Then from where has this pile of negativity garbage arisen in us??? “.
Let’s understand all this with a few illustrative examples. A child suffers a drowning experience before the age seven, now this traumatic experience will get recorded in his formative MENTAL-SETUP and water bodies will be TAGGED as dangerous and traumatic in his MENTAL-SETUP and hence the generic response to danger, that is fear, will get associated with water bodies. So every time he sees a water body his MENTAL-SETUP would identify it with dangerous and traumatic TAG and this would automatically generate the associated response of fear in him unnecessarily. The water body he is seeing now has no relation to the previous water body in which he had the drowning experience, moreover that time he was a small kid of 3 feet now he is an adult of 6 feet everything is so unrelated but since the MENTAL-SETUP has done its(water bodies) TAGGING with the powerful emotion (the generic response for danger) of fear the intellect gets completely clouded by this flood of emotion and the mind is unable to see the stark differences (rather a complete lack of any association) between the two situations and the person starts to suffer from phobia of water bodies. This is how our own MENTAL-SETUP imprisons us with its imposing bars of limitations.
Now let us consider a situation where a girl gets cheated by her boyfriend (or a guy gets cheated by his girlfriend) and goes through an extremely bitter experience. Now, the four principle cosmic forces that are CREATION, MAINTENANCE, CONSTANT CHANGE (EVOLUTION) and REJUVENATION (DEATH) are constantly working on her mind and body. Mind by its very nature is a constant flux of a stream of thoughts that is why we find it so difficult to concentrate on one single thing for a long duration, hence in the mind there is a continuous CREATION of thoughts, these thoughts can be MAINTAINED sometimes according to our given priority and sometimes by their shear intensity. That is, since reaching the office or college on time is a higher priority (as assigned by us in our mental-setup) than visiting a sick or ailing neighbours house the thought of reaching the office or college on time would maintain or assert itself for a longer duration(and quickly push out the thought of visiting the ailing neighbours home). Hence it will shape all our decisions about what we do and what we do not do. Hence our actions would constantly be dictated by it. If left to the normal course of events this thought of reaching the office in time would CONSTANTLY CHANGE (EVOLVE) as per the needs, that is it would express itself as getting up early in the morning to begin with then change to quick freshening up and then may be into skipping the breakfast and hurrying to drive or catch the bus if the time is still scarce. And as a natural progression it would DIE off when we reach the office or college and its place would be taken by a new thought about the previous days assignment or the presentation ahead in the day hence the system would be REJUVINATED by a new thought.
But here in steps the FREE WILL and the drama of human life begins.

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